Promise Yourself to be Self-Confident


Promise Yourself to be Self-Confident


Imagine a situation wherein you have all the comforts a person can ask for. You have a beautiful apartment equipped with all the equipments of modern living. You have a modular kitchen with the latest design in the town, a state of art air conditioning system which cools your home within seconds, a hi-fidelity home theatre system to take you to a melodious journey after a hard day, a plasma T.V to get the joy of a big picture, a fully automated laundry system with intelligent sensors, a Video Audio integrated computer system which organizes everything from your data to family albums in a jiffy, latest soft lighting for your bedroom and much more – but you don’t have electricity. Yes, you read it right your apartment does not have any provision for electricity. Would you now want to live in it?


Just as the absence of electricity reduced the ultra modern apartment to a thing we better not talk about, absence of self-confidence can also do something like this to a seemingly healthy person. What is a house without electric power, and what is a human being without self-confidence. Without self-confidence even the best of people can be like sophisticated airplanes waiting for the take off. Without confidence you’ll probably never take off. Do you feel like in a similar situation? Do you feel that even after having all the qualities and skills are still aren’t successful? Ask Yourself – Is it lack of confidence?


Realize your worth – It helps you become confident!


It is important to realize that there is no one quite like you in the entire universe. In a human reproduction system, a million sperms are released out of which nature chooses the fittest to reach the egg to form the embryo. So isn’t it a reason enough to believe that you are one in a million and nature had worked so hard for you, the fittest, to see the world? How can you then not feel confident? You are the chosen one and it’s your duty to live upto the expectations of Mother Nature. It’s your duty to yourself and your soul to be confident. How else do you expect the qualities in you to come to forefront? Nature made you for a purpose, and how can you sit hopeless and betray Mother Nature by not doing what you were appointed to do. How can you be forgetful of your great self within? Yes, you are the part of that superior soul and there is enough light within you to see the path ahead. How can you afford to be not confident? So arise and speak loud to yourself “I am the chosen one! I have the power to transform my life! I have lots of work to do and I need all my inherent qualities. I HAVE to be confident. I MUST be confident”


Take a Decision


The hardest times are the times of indecision. Decision makes things easier. It pushes the uncertainty away and gives you a purpose to focus. It makes you think. Once you have decided to be confident, you are no longer waiting for some miracle to happen. You have taken a decision. You have control on your life now. You have decided not to waste your life anymore. You have decided to be confident. You have decided to take on this world head on!


This decision makes your life easier. It makes you feel lighter. You have a purpose and you got to focus on that purpose. Your mind is most powerful when its focussed. You can feel the difference. A focus mind changes your body language. Your steps are solid, your handshake is firm, your eyes right ahead. You become a changed person - A person who has the ability to achieve goals, the ability to be happy about his achievement, the ability to love to his family, the ability to stand in the crowd without any stress, the ability to take risks, the ability to realize his dream. Won’t you rather be like this person? Go ahead, you can do it.


Your time starts now!

